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Support Trade Unionist Aidee Moreno

Aidee Moreno is a lifelong trade unionist who has suffered the horrors of the violence in Colombia.

She is National Secretary of the FENSUAGRO agricultural workers’ union – Unite’s sister union in Colombia and vicepresident of a local peasant farmers union in the region where she is from.

In December 2020 her brother, Omar Moreno, who also a peasant farmer trade unionist, was killed. Aidee had already seen her mother, husband and another brother murdered by paramilitaries.

Recently Aidee was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease and her physical health has been worsening. We are currently fundraising for an electric wheelchair for Aidee so she can live with dignity and carry on her trade union activities.

To quote Aidee “I refuse to stop living”.

We appreciate all your support!